If you think someone you know has been spiked there are lots of ways in which you can help them. 

Understanding the symptoms and what to do if someone is spiked is a good place to start. Most people will usually describe what has or is happening to them and how it's making them feel. 

The most important thing is to try to make sure that someone trusted stays with them until they have got home safely and – if possible – until the symptoms have worn off.

If their symptoms seem serious and you think they need urgent medical attention, call 999 to speak to emergency services.

Spiking kits:

Spiking test kits, developed by Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH), can help to detect substances in drinks, urine and on the skin. Test kits are available from the UEA Security control room (opposite Congregation Hall) 24/7 and samples can be taken at the time of the suspected incident or the following day.

The kit contains step-by-step instructions and details of support organisations. Samples are anonymous on submission, with patient details only requested before the results are sent, via email, directly to the individual. They can then decide what they wish to do next, such as share the report to the police.

Other things you can do to help include:

  • Try not to let them drink alcohol or take drugs.
  • Try not to let them go home with someone you don’t know or trust.
  • If you don’t know them or don’t know them well, try finding their friends or the people they were with.
  • If you’re at a pub, bar, club or any other venue, tell staff who work there.

Signpost to University Support

Once your friend or loved one is home safely and their symptoms have worn off, you may wish to access support.

There is lots of specialist support available within the University  that your friend or loved one can access for support if they have been spiked.

  • Student Life Adviser. An adviser can talk through the University's procedures, how to make a complaint and what support is available, in confidence. 
  • Residential Life Team. Whether it is your neighbourhood Student Services Resident (SSR) or the Duty SSR, if you are living in UEA residences there is someone to talk to.   
  • The uea(su) Advice Service is a free, confidential service. Advisers can support students who have been named in a disciplinary report for breach of the General Regulations for Students, and can talk through the procedure, what options are available and help you complain if you are unhappy with the process.
  • Your School. If you are a student you can talk to your academic adviser. 

Signpost to Specialist Services 

  • The Harbour Centre. If you think there may have been a sexual assault, contact The Harbour Centre, Nofolk's local Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC). Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) are trained to look after the needs of a survivor of rape or sexual violence to ensure they receive the best possible care and understanding. Contact them and ask to speak to an adviser in confidence. ISVAs are there to provide information to ensure an individual can make a decision that is right for them. If you have worked with an adviser in the Student Life Team in Student Services, they can help facilitate a referral to the Harbour Centre.
  • Rape Crisis England and Wales. Further information is available on spiking, date rape and more.
  • Drinkaware. More information again on spiking and date rape drugs.

Reporting Options

It's important to respect any reporting decision including a decision not to report at all. There are a lot of reasons why someone may choose not to report, only they can decide what is best for them. 

  • Police If you want to report a spiking incident directly to the police, you can call the non-emergency number 101, report online or visit your local police station to report a crime. If you feel your friend or loved one is in immediate danger, always all 999. Reporting is a big decision and all of the support services linked to above can support you with this, if your friend or loved one decides to make a police report. 
  • University. If the perpetrator is a member of the University community, your friend or loved one will have the option of submitting a formal report. The first step to making a formal report is to speak with an advisor,  who will be able to provide your friend or loved one with advice and support on what options are available to make an informed decision. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened