If you have been the target of sexual misconduct, assault or harassment, it may be hard to know what to do or how to feel. sometimes people feel a lot of confusion about what has happened. What happened was not your fault. What you do next is your choice. Your safety and wellbeing are the most important things right now and you can access specialist support, if and whenever you feel ready.


Sexual harassment, misconduct and assault can happen to anyone by anyone.

It’s your choice. It's completely up to you whether or not to report what's happened. No-one else can or should make that choice for you. 

  • Report to the University and get Support. Students and staff can report an incident using the University’s Report and Support system. You can choose to do this anonymously or you can request support from an adviser. If you choose to talk to an adviser they will be able to talk through the options and support available to you, in confidence. 
  • Report to The Harbour Centre. We recommend everyone who has been sexually assaulted contact the Harbour Centre, Norfolk's local independent Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC). They have Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) who are trained to look after the needs of a survivor of rape or sexual violence to ensure they receive the best possible care and understanding. ISVAs are there to provide information to ensure and you can make a decision that is right for you. Free and Confidential, the SARC can take and keep evidence for if you want to report to the police - the Harbour Centre are independent from the police but can work closely with them with your consent.
    • If you are reporting something that happened in the last 7 days: 
  • Call the Harbour Centre SARC on 0330 223 009 to speak with a nurse for support and to discuss your options about attending a forensic medical examination. There will be no pressure to make a report to the police but they can help you make an informed decision.
    Email harbourcentre.sarc@nhs.net (monitored 9am-9pm Monday to Sunday) or visit the website: The Harbour Centre – Sexual Assault Referral Centre
    • If you are reporting something that happened more than 7 days ago:
  • Call the Norfolk ISVA Service (based in the Harbour Centre) on 01603 276381 for help and advice.
    Email contact@norfolkISVA.org.uk or visit the website: The Harbour Centre (norfolkisva.org.uk)
    Access practical help and advice, support in managing the physical and emotional effects of what happened, and get help with referrals into other specialist services if needed.
  •  University Policies. If you choose to make a formal complaint to the University about a student or member of staff there are procedures which set out the steps you'll need to follow. 
  • Police If you're thinking of reporting to the police, Rape Crisis have produced a useful list of things to think about.
    Reporting the incident anonymously to the police.  You can call crime stoppers at any point on 0800 555 111 or use their online form.
Reporting is a big decision and all of the support services linked to above can support you with this, if you decide to make a police report. 

University Support 

For Students
  • Student Life Adviser. An adviser can talk through the University's procedures, how to make a complaint and what support is available, in confidence. 
  • Residential Life Team. Whether it is your neighbourhood Student Services Resident (SSR) or the Duty SSR, if you are living in UEA residences there is someone to talk to.   
  • The uea(su) Advice Service is a free, confidential service. Advisers can support students who have been named in a disciplinary report for breach of the General Regulations for Students, and can talk through the procedure, what options are available and help you complain if you are unhappy with the process.
  • Exceptional circumstances. If you feel your studies have been affected by what has happened you can consider applying for exceptional circumstances.

For Staff
  • Human Resource Adviser. An adviser can talk through the options available whether the incident involved another staff member at UEA, a student, or a visitor to campus. 
  • Health Assured - Employee Assistance Programme. This free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year service is available to all UEA staff. The programme offers confidential support independent from UEA, with professional consultation, counselling, information, resources and referrals to services in your local area.

External Support 

  • Speak to a friend. Talking things through with someone you trust can sometimes help. 
  • Rape Crisis England and Wales. Provides further information on supporting a survivor. 
  • Sue Lambert Trust. A Norfolk based charity that provides support for survivors of sexual abuse. 
  • The Survivors Trust. A service for male survivors of sexual abuse as a child or as an adult. 
  • Victim Support. If you report a crime to the police, they should automatically ask you if you would like help from an organisation like Victim Support. But anyone affected by crime can contact them directly – you don’t need to talk to the police to get Victim Support help. 
  • VictimFocus: Caring for yourself after sexual violence: a free E-learning course with unlimited access.
  • Survivors Network: Survivors Self Help Guide: a self help guide for survivors who want to understand and process their own personal reactions to their experience.
  • Survivors Network: Resources: a list of resources for survivors and supporters including self-help guides, videos, galleries and more.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened