Safer Taxi 

Say goodbye to unpleasant situations and nights out! Sure, Norwich is one of the safest cities in the UK, but now you can feel even more secure when going to and from campus and around Norwich thanks to our Safer Taxi Scheme. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, you can call one of the scheme’s taxi companies and get home safe and sound. 

How does it work? All you have to do is call the taxi company, give them your student number (not student ID card) and name, and they will send the invoice to the Students’ Union. UEASU will pay the taxi company and we will then contact you to arrange for you to come in and pay us back. 

“Improving safety in and around campus was one of the key reasons why I wanted to be Women's Officer so I am delighted that taxi companies are supporting UEA students in getting home safely,” said our Women’s Officer. “I'm really proud to launch the scheme and hope it makes a real difference to the experience of all UEA students”. 

These are the taxi companies currently taking part: 

ABC Taxi 01603 666333

Courtesy Taxi 01603 446644

This scheme received support from all the members of UEASU. Our Welfare, Community and Diversity Officer said, “This scheme, created by our Women’s Officer, shows a healthy relationship between the SU and transport companies that share a common interest in student safety, and we’re so happy that all the enlisted companies have signed our pledge.” 

Remember that your data will always be protected and will be used for the purpose of the initiative. When you register with the scheme it means you agree that UEASU will process your personal data to cover any costs incurred and recover costs from yourself. 


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